Vocational Rehabilitation

This page is part of the LOVE Columbia information library website. To contact the organization listed below, please follow links or phone numbers given within the article.

If you want to work but have a disability that keeps you from finding, keeping or advancing in a job, Vocational Rehabilitation (Voc Rehab) may be able to help you. Voc Rehab specializes in employment and training services that can assist you in becoming employed. A Voc Rehab counselor will determine your eligibility for services. To be eligible, you need to have a physical or mental impairment that causes problems with working and need VR services to be successfully employed. Once eligible, you will work with a counselor who will help you develop a plan for your rehabilitation.

900 W Nifong, Ste 210 Columbia, MO 65203 573-441-6327
Visit Website

How to start services:

Complete a referral form: This can be done over the phone, online, in person, or can be mailed to your mailing address and returned once the form is completed. Click here to complete form online.

Once the form is received, a counselor will make contact and schedule an appointment to meet in person and determine eligibility for services. If eligible, you and your counselor will work toward an employment outcome.


Dollar General Warehouse in Fulton


City of Columbia